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Personal Training

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Today, we are living in a world of uncertainties. How many times have we read about innocent people getting stabbed or being punched on the street?


And these victims do not have any enmity with the aggressors. They are just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

How can we protect ourselves
and our loved ones?

Through our personal training sessions, participants will gain a heightened awareness of how to use body movements to deflect potential stabbings or sudden threats they may encounter on the streets.


In our specialized instruction and practical exercises, participants will learn to remain calm and react swiftly, effectively deflecting, defending against, and responding to attacks. We will teach techniques and tactics that involve the use of hands and body, enhancing their self-protective abilities.


Participants will develop improved coordination, flexibility, and reaction speed while cultivating confidence and a sense of self-preservation.

Image by Jonathan Borba

Act Now and Don't Wait for Trouble to Happen!

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